First blog award!

This week i'm honoured to have received a blog award from Catanya -
It's really nice to have recieved this especially as i'm still quite new to the whole blogging process and i'm glad to know that there is someone who like to read my blog! :D So thank you Catanya x
I'm going to pass this award on to the following blogs:
Review - Aussome Volume?!
Recently as my hair has grown a little longer I've noticed that it looks constantly flat! So I went on a mission to find a shampoo and conditioner that would make my hair full of volume a la Cheryl cole without having to use too much product on my hair (usually it requires LOADS of mousse and enough hairspray to make my room highly explosive!) So after trying a few products with no results I noticed 'Aussie Aussome Volume' and being a huuuge fan of their '3 Minute Miracle' I decided I wouldn't be too disappointed. I'm extremely optimistic :D ha!
So here's my review
What is it?
Aussie Aussome Volume shampoo (300ml) and Aussome conditioner (250ml)
How much does it cost?
In Asda it's usually about £3.44 each it was on offer when I first bought it at 2 for £6
What it says:
Shampoo: Our unique lightweight formula, with extract of Australian hops, leaves hair with wonderful fullness and body. Big hair is beautiful.
Fair enough, beer's probably the first thing that springs to mind when you think of Australian hops, but there's a lot more to these little fellas than meets the eye. It's believed that the proteins in the hops coat your hair and help build it up. Frankly we think beer is a waste of good hops.
Conditioner: Our unique aussie formula, with extract of Australian hops, leaves your fine hair with wonderful fullness and body. So try this and you'll be in front of the mirror thinking - 'Wow, What am I going to do with all this lovely hair?'
Sounds good, huh?
What I thought
The first time I used them it was all great. I loved the smell (nothing like the 3 minute miracle conditioner thankfully!), it was great at lathering my hair felt amazingly clean and I swear my hair looked slightly fuller. So I was happy with the results. So the next day I washed my hair with it again and this time when my hair was dried it was back to being flat. Slightly disappointing but I thought perhaps I'd have to use it a while before I got any results. So for the last 8 weeks I've been using this shampoo and conditioner, and i will continue with it until it runs out, but I definitely haven't had any results as far as bigger hair is concerned :(
Would I buy it again?
I'm not actually sure if I would buy it again. It does get your hair really clean and as I have oily hair I've noticed it doesn't get quite as oily as quick as it normally would. I love the smell too, it's hard to describe it but it doesn't smell as soapy? as normal shampoos do. Definitely wouldn't buy it to achieve volume though.
Rating - 3/5
Now where's the hairspray?!
Too good to be true?
It's so good to be back to online shopping and catching up with blogs, I really have missed it! Anyway I happened to stumble across a site today which has 'designer brands without the designer price tags' and I have to say I'm very intrigued by this. At the moment they have sales on brands such as Made In Heaven, Cowshed, True Religion, Pixi and POP etc and coming up there will sales on brands such as Ultimo, Calvin Klein and Nails inc. These sales are only on for a limited time and then you can't buy the items. - Link to the site
The sale the have on the Pixi make up range is fantastic, the prices range from £5 to 13 and the first thing I recognised was the natural mineral kit which I had saw being used in Pixiwoo's youtube video - which on costs £28 but on the sale website costs £9!! That is an amazing saving! Perhaps I'm a bit sceptical but I start to question how they can possibly sell products so cheap? On the website the say all their products are 100% genuine and they work closely with the brands and premium suppliers to ensure that they offer the best possible products and the best prices.
So What do you think? Has anyone used this site before?
Lisa x
Papa's got a brand new bag.......

Ok so it's actually Victoria Beckham who stepped out with her new £80,000 Birken Himalayan handbag. As much as I love fashion I can't believe anyone would pay that money for a handbag! It is a ridiculous price but I suppose if you can afford it then why not? But I definitely wouldn't pay that no matter if I was loaded. Personally I don't even think it's that nice either (and its not jealousy for a change ha!) Apparently Becks struggled to find a christmas present for the girl who has everything, I'd happily settle for pyjama's and smellies. I'm easily pleased!
Barry M Nail Paint
16 Facts about moi!
- I have a slight obsession with all things purple.....Eyeshadows, bags, shoes, boots, scarves, candles, clothes even my walls are painted purple! (but a nice colour :D)
- I love Sex and the city, but thought the film was a complete disappointment (possibly the only person in the word?) and definitely don't think a second should be made.
- I study psychology. I love how people's mids work!
- I love music so much and i'm at my most happiest when i'm at a gig!
- The first beauty product I ever bought was Leichner foundation when i was 14....haha bad days!
- My fave perfume is jean paul Gaultier classique although Agent Provocateur is a close contender!
- The Places I would most like to vist are Australia, New York and Fiji
- If I could be any woman in the world it would be Eva Mendes
- I am very very messy! Although not when it comes to appearance strangely enough
- I love Gossip Girl, Family guy, and trash tv such as The Hills, laguna beach etc
- My natural hair colour is dark brown
- I'm addicted to Lush bath products!
- I'm the oldest of 3. I have 2 much younger sisters
- I'm scared of thunder & lightning
- I collect scarves, candles and gig t-shirts :D
- I hate silence
Wow, that was actually a lot harder than I thought it would be!
Currently on my wishlist......
The Dark Winter....Brights?

Timeless Tips
- Gain confidence in yourself and your appearance. That's truly what attractiveness is all about
- Learn a thing or two about a thing or two! Knowledge is very attractive.
- Have a 'hair-do' don't just leave it to nature. Get it trimmed often.
- Wear enough make-up; It does a face good
- Pay extra for quality make-up. Remember you get what you pay for.
- Experiment with your make-up. Marilyn Monroe came up with her own make-up tricks that no-one else in the world did.
- Keep trying different shades and colours until you get it exactly right. Get professional help - they know their stuff!
- Don't hesitate to wear off the wall colours every now and then.
- Groom your eyebrows. What a difference it will make to your whole face!
- Don't be shy about what you wear. Try something different often.
- Start saving pictures of celebrities whose make-up caught your eye. Try to do something similar yourself.
- You might find your own celebrity style and beauty muses and use them as inspirations, but never ever, ever rip someone off - There's nothing worse than copying someone, especially someone you know personally. Find your own style.
- Take good care of your hands and nails. They say a lot about you.
- Curl your eyelashes; it will brighten up your face
- Moisturize your face, even if it's oily! and use a facial moisuriser as a make-up base.
- Don't be afraid to stand out in a crowd by looking unique.
- Try not you go along with trends; you will just regret it later.
- If your teeth aren't naturally white, try out some whitening products.
- Embrace what makes you different from everyone else. Imagine Cindy Crawford without her beauty mark, or Twiggy with out her thin figure.
- Use Your best judgement. You know best if something doesn't look or feel right. The most important rule is always to be true to yourself. Remember from Shakespeare's Hamlet: "To thine own self be true"
5 Products that I love!!!
About Me
Blog Posts Coming Soon!
- 100 Followers Give Away
- Maybelline Colorsensational Lipstick Review
- Osis Dust It Review
- Rimmel Lasting Finish Lipstick Review
My Blog List
The Best of Black Friday 20204 years ago
Boots Summer Beauty Picks5 years ago
The Brighton City Guide7 years ago
When you’re dead, lie down.7 years ago
Industry City8 years ago
Here’s to a Happy New Year9 years ago
Red Tails (2012) Beobachten Film9 years ago
- years ago
I'm moving! New website!10 years ago
New Blog!11 years ago
hello world12 years ago
YSL Cream Blush in Passion Red12 years ago
Breaking the routine.12 years ago
Possible Blog Sale13 years ago
new blog address13 years ago
My Weekend13 years ago
Secrets and lies.13 years ago
bourjois vs smashbox!14 years ago
HERE IS THE NEW BLOG14 years ago
Quick Post: Top Tinted Moisturizers14 years ago
Maui's Blog Sale15 years ago
Chapter 315 years ago
!!What I'm using right now tag!!16 years ago
My First Blog Award!!

Another Blog Award!!